A tree-walk interpreter of new language written in pure JavaScript with interface created using HTML and CSS. Most important features of language:
- first-class anonymous (lambda) functions
- closures
- local variables and assignment operator =
- binary operators: +, -, *, /, and, or
- comparison operators: ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=
- statements: if, else, while, return
- unary operators: !, -
3d engine
Engine of 3d graphics that uses canvas 2d context in order to draw visuals. Allows spectator movement (left, right, forward, backward, down, up), as well as looking around (mouse) and changing movement speed (scroll). Doesn't work on mobiles, because mouse is needed. For now can render points and lines which can form bigger structures. Uses Fullscreen API and point locker API (mouse locker API). Recommended browser: google chrome.
fractals generator
Fractal generator is javascript project made in free-time. It uses chaos theory in order to create customizable fractals (strange attractors). Visuals are created on canvas with 2d context, no libraries were used.
sorting visualizer
Sorting algorithms visualizer is free-time project implemented in pure javascript, html and css. Visuals are created using canvas with 2d context. At this moment, it allows visualization of merge sort and bubble sort, and has customizable length of sorted array, as well as customizable speed.
Visual project, based on particles simulation. Implemented in pure javascript, html, css. Generate visuals on canvas with 2d context. Features:
- customizable number of particles
- customizable size, speed and angle of particles
- customizable behaviour in terms of being pulled by cursor
- predefined options
- different types of border
- customizable level of afterimage effect
picture to ASCII art
Basic picture to ASCII art converter, implemented fully in pure javascript, css, html. It allows converting any images to ASCII characters. Supports diffrent-sized output.
My name is Jakub Kołodziej.
I am a Javascript Developer.
Currently I'm working as a Javascript Developer (1 year of commercial experience) and I'm studying Computer Science. For the last 5+ years in my spare time I have been gaining knowledge and experience in working with JavaScript, HTML and CSS. I was able to get 98% score in computer science Matura exam. I graduated from the top ranked high school in Poland with an A+ as a final grade in Algorithmics. I have very strong foundations in the form of mathematical knowledge and skills - I am a laureate of many competitions in this field.